Once we have decided what type of lens suits your prescription and your needs, the next stage is to undertake a trial period with the chosen contact lenses. This will give you an idea of what it is like to have contact lenses in your eyes. Lenses will be chosen that are as close as possible to the prescription and size needed. Once inserted it is usual for the lenses to be left for a short time in order to assess the fit and vision. In some cases we may ask you to take a short walk whilst wearing the lenses to see how you feel.

To start, we will ask you some simple questions which will help you decide on the best type of lenses to try. We pride ourselves on taking the time and trouble to tell you about all the possible options and we will always try to find the most suitable lenses for you. Questions we will need to consider are:
Why do you want to wear contact lenses?
Is it for special sports pursuits, hobbies or simply as an alternative to spectacles?
How often do you want to wear them? For occasional, social use - or all of the time?
Have you ever had any problems with your eyes?
What is your general state of health?
Are you taking any medication?
There are a number of different types of contact lenses currently available, each with their own unique features. We’ve set out below a brief description of the different kinds, so you're equipped with some basic background information. When you come for your appointment we'll discuss and assess your needs, and together select the most suitable type.
With all this information to hand we will then examine your eyes to check their health and suitability for contact lenses. We take multiple measurements, including:
Corneal mapping - to make sure the lens lines up to the eye
Tear assessment - to make sure the eyes are well lubricated
Anterior eye health assessment
Eyelid evaluation
Corneal opening and diameter measuring